Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Men: Why us? Sexual Assault Awareness.

April as many of you know is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. As I scurry through my Twitter, and Facebook post I see men readily speaking out against sexual violence! YAY, this is awesome, right? Of course it is! Minus the fact that I don't see any more (as in men who weren't speaking out last year) men taking a stand for the cause.

As a man myself I've been where you're at whether it be feeling complete apathy toward using your voice, don't know how or where to start, or fearing that by speaking out for this cause (that is strictly seen as a women's issue) you'll face ridicule for stepping outside your socially constructed man box. You could even feel timid for the simple fact of how you will appear for 'siding' with women and betraying your bro's. However, I concede that we traveled different paths and each man has to individually find his way out of their own patriarchal mold.

But, let's take those reasons of maybe "why not" and set them to the side so that we can focus on the "why". Somewhere in your life (assuming you are working with competent mental and normal moral capacity) you've either experienced something personally or have seen someone else experience pain, hurt, and suffering. The one who says they can't relate to this I must say is one lucky person. Yet, when we hurt and/or see other's hurt we feel a need to cease the anguish. It is what I would consider a basic human instinct to want to relieve someone from their distress.

Right now there is a seemingly unrealistic number of people enduring some form of pain due to sexual violence. Sexual violence isn't like a bruise that fades, it is an imprint on the mind and soul that takes time (if ever) to heal.

So, why men? First, lay down your notions of gender and let's speak in the context of people...humans! One act of sexual assault is too many, agreed? If we rely on this as our foundation, that no one deserves or should ever have to be subjected to forced or unwanted sexual actions then we're making progress. Men, you (and I) have a responsibility to each other as humans to implement a style of healthy masculinity in our communities. Why men? Men, because the majority of you (and I) do not condone sexual violence, and if we recognize this, and use this to our advantage -- then the men who do commit & perpetrate sexual violence would be held accountable, and powerless.

So I'm asking you, as a man to please use your voice. There are many simple ways to do this. Tweet it, post it on Facebook, or even take a bigger step if you feel comfortable and post a YouTube video. You can change your profile picture, avatar, or even write a blog. Whatever you do, please don't do nothing. Our inaction is still an action, but on the side of the perpetrators.

Here are a couple of things you can use:

"I'm a man who does not condone sexual violence. Violence is a men's issue and we all have stake in ending it."

"April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. It's time.. to talk about it. As a man I'm responsible for using my voice, and raising awareness to this issue."

For more information or questions please contact us!

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