College is a place where kids are leaving home for the first time; probably rarely explored the thought of being alone and utimately still searching to find themselves. College is a place where as stated in the documentary a place that is supposed to be fun, but also a time for learning, and in the new generation apparently a time for "hooking-up."
We have to ask ourselves, "Have we as a soceity created a breading ground for negative behaviors to infest the lives of our children?" What if it was said that "hooking-up" is just something that is becoming more of a norm and a part of this generations lifestyle? We have to look beyond this statement and investigate the root cause of this behavior. Which I believe is found in this documentary.
Please support the continued efforts of amazing people like Denice, in the journey to find answers and create a solution! Once again, go CHECK THIS DOCUMENTARY OUT!!! http://www.collegehookupcultur.com/ - It is amazing!!
From Denice herself, "Thanks for this great shout-out Jeremy! I appreciate the support so very much. I am offering my DVD at a special discounted rate to all your readers and FB friends & associates. If you could send this info. out or add to your post--that would be great! Anyone interested can just email me at: jhuefilms@gmail.com
Follow her on Twitter - @mshookupdoc
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